I have a function which takes a model and maps it to an entity. This is entity is passed into another function which returns a maybe.
I do not want to run the mapping process on the mainThread, so I created a nested maybe.
//Returns the id of the inserted exam
fun insertExamIntoDatabase(examModel: ExamModel): Maybe<Long> = Maybe.create { emitter ->
//Do heavy work like mapping objects
val entity = ExamMapper.toEntity(examModel)
}, {
This functions works but it does not look like clean code. Also I am concerned about things like memory leaks if you work with larger data.
Is there any way, how I can improve this method?
Thanks for helping.
Perfect use case for flatMap
fun insertExamIntoDatabase(examModel: ExamModel): Maybe<Long> =
Maybe.create { emitter ->
//Do heavy work like mapping objects
}.flatMap { entity -> examLocalSource.insertExam(entity) }