Search code examples

using map function to create a dataframe from google trends data

relatively new to r, I have a list of words I want to run through the gtrendsr function to look at the google search hits, and then create a tibble with dates as index and relevant hits for each word as columns, I'm struggling to do this using the map functions in purr,

I started off trying to use a for loop but I've been told to try and use map in the tidyverse package instead, this is what I had so far:


words = c('cruise', 'plane', 'car')
for (i in words) {
  rel_word_data = gtrends(i,geo= '', time = 'today 12-m')
  iot <- data.frame()
  iot[i] <- rel_word_data$interest_over_time$hits

I need to have the gtrends function take one word at a time, otherwise it will give a value for hits which is a adjusted for the popularity of the other words. so basically, I need the gtrends function to run the first word in the list, obtain the hits column in the interest_over_time section and add it to a final dataframe that contains a column for each word and the date as index.

I'm a bit lost in how to do this without a for loop


  • Assuming the gtrends output is the same length for every keyword, you can do the following:

    # Load packages
    # Generate a vector of keywords
    words <- c('cruise', 'plane', 'car')
    # Download data by iterating gtrends over the vector of keywords
    # Extract the hits data and make it into a dataframe for each keyword
    trends <- map(.x = words,
                  ~ = .x, time = 'now 1-H')$interest_over_time$hits)) %>%
        # Add the keywords as column names to the three dataframes
        map2(.x = .,
             .y = words,
             ~ set_names(.x, nm = .y)) %>%
        # Convert the list of three dataframes to a single dataframe
        map_dfc(~ data.frame(.x))
    # Check data
    #>   cruise plane car
    #> 1     50    75  84
    #> 2     51    74  83
    #> 3    100    67  81
    #> 4     46    76  83
    #> 5     48    77  84
    #> 6     43    75  82
    #> 'data.frame':    59 obs. of  3 variables:
    #>  $ cruise: int  50 51 100 46 48 43 48 53 43 50 ...
    #>  $ plane : int  75 74 67 76 77 75 73 80 70 79 ...
    #>  $ car   : int  84 83 81 83 84 82 84 87 85 85 ...

    Created on 2020-06-27 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)