I have an ag-grid using angular. when I click compare and select an option i need to show the data in this existing grid in the same format as original grid but columns .
Example: i have a row -> (existing grid)header1 header2 header3
after selecting comapre, i should get this grid (updated grid)header1 +header1 header2 +header2 header3 +header3 i need to have columns next to each other in the grid to compare the data.
How do i append columns of the grid alternatively?
you have to update ag grid column definitions when you want to compare:
compare() {
const columnDef = [
{ headerName: 'header 1', field: 'header1' },
{ headerName: 'second header 1', field: 'secondHeader1' },
{ headerName: 'header 2', field: 'secondHeader2' },
{ headerName: 'second header 2', field: 'header2' },
{ headerName: 'header 3', field: 'secondHeader3' }
{ headerName: 'second header 3', field: 'header3' }
then you should update ag grid column def like this:
and you should update grid data as well:
this.gridApi.setRowData(newData) //