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Robot Framework - Selenium Library Import Issue on Ride (Python 3.7)

I had some troubles to install selenium library at first, after I went trough some websites, I installed the library using the command pip install -U selenium on prompt command, however, after importing the library to Ride, the name appears in red as photos below shows enter image description hereenter image description here

I looked into Lib (Ananconda3) folder to check if there was any folder related to Selenium and I found it out there, therefore, I dont understand why Ride is not importing it properly enter image description here

Any help will be highly appreciate (ps. I dont know if it is relevant, but I'm using Windows 10)


  • Selenium doesn't equal SeleniumLibrary.

    You need to follow instalation instructions.

    If you want to use selenium in RF, you need to install:

    • selenium => you have done it
    • SeleniumLibrary => you haven't done it, follow the instructions I linked, $ pip install -U robotframework-seleniumlibrary
    • RF => it seems (from the screen) you have done it, $ pip install -U robotframework

    After these steps, you can import SeleniumLibrary in RF:

    *** Settings ***
    Library    SeleniumLibrary

    and you should see no errors.