I had some troubles to install selenium library at first, after I went trough some websites, I installed the library using the command pip install -U selenium
on prompt command, however, after importing the library to Ride, the name appears in red as photos below shows
I looked into Lib (Ananconda3) folder to check if there was any folder related to Selenium and I found it out there, therefore, I dont understand why Ride is not importing it properly
Any help will be highly appreciate (ps. I dont know if it is relevant, but I'm using Windows 10)
Selenium doesn't equal SeleniumLibrary.
You need to follow instalation instructions.
If you want to use selenium in RF, you need to install:
$ pip install -U robotframework-seleniumlibrary
$ pip install -U robotframework
After these steps, you can import SeleniumLibrary in RF:
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
and you should see no errors.