I'm pretty new to resque, but it looks really good for my needs.
Actually, I'm trying to setup a simple test app like:
require 'resque'
require 'resque/job_with_status'
class WordAnalyzer < Resque::JobWithStatus
@queue = "word_analysis"
def self.perform(word)
puts "About to do heavy duty analysis on #{word}"
sleep 3 # fake analysis here
# this would be something impressive
puts "Finished with analysis on #{word}"
And creating a background worker by
Without resque-status, it works perfectly (with calling enqueue instead of creating the worker). With resque-status, I get a
wrong number of arguments (2 for 1) /.../resque_test/lib/word_analyzer.rb:6:in `perform' /.../.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p136/gems/resque-1.16.1/lib/resque/job.rb:127:in `perform'
I've searched both docu and code, but didn't find the proper way of handing arguments to a resque-status job. Is it possible?
Thanks in advance.
You should do
WordAnalyzer.create(:word => word)
And access that word in perform method by
def perform
word = options['word']
puts "About to do heavy duty analysis on #{word}"
sleep 3 # fake analysis here
# this would be something impressive
puts "Finished with analysis on #{word}"