I have created a custom directive that adds / removes a class selector with a click event. Should be pretty straight forward, and it works fine as long as I'm using the directive outside an ngFor loop. The directive is composed of the code below:
import { Directive, HostBinding, HostListener, Input } from '@angular/core';
selector: '[appFav]'
export class FavDirective {
@HostBinding('class.isFav') isFav:boolean = false;
@HostListener('click') onClick() {
this.isFav = !this.isFav;
@Input() set appFav(val:boolean) {
this.isFav = val;
And I'm trying to use that directive on a button inside a Cards component. So inside the Cards Component's html template the buttons code looks like that:
<div class="favBtn" appFav><span class="material-icons">favorite_border</span></div>
This works when I'm using the component on its own, but when I generate multiple cards using the ngFor loop like below the decorator doesn't seem to work anymore.
<custom-card class="card" *ngFor="let card of getCards()"></custom-card>
The isFav property in the directive is fixed and the .isFav class selector is not added when I inspect the button. Though the console.log messages display properly which means that the onClick method in the directive does run.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Right now angular is not able to differentiate b/w components if you see elements panel you click on a button all the instance get updated. so to assign a unique key to all the elements in loop so that angular can differentiate them.
--Try below code you will get expected behavior:
in you app.component.html -- Add a trackBy that function will assign unique key
<app-media-item *ngFor="let mi of getMediaItems(); trackBy:trackBytitle"
and in you app.component.ts -- right now title seems unique to me so i return title part.
trackBytitle(index: number, mediaObj: any): string {
return mediaObj.title; // title is unique or return something unique