For building a Vue menu in October, I have the following code in a backend plugin. It is working fine to get the Static Pages pages in a JSON data, keeping the pages items indentation :
$theme = \Cms\Classes\Theme::getEditTheme();
$pageList = new \RainLab\Pages\Classes\PageList($theme);
$treePageList = $pageList->getPageTree(true);
Now I would like to extract the October "RainLab Static Pages / Menus / Mainmenu" items, keeping the menu items indentation. (In my backend plugin).
Thanks for any idea about how to get these menu items ?
Thanks Hardik Satasiya, I solved it with the following code :
if(class_exists('\\Rainlab\\Pages\\Classes\\Menu')) {
$theme = \Cms\Classes\Theme::getActiveTheme();
$menus = \RainLab\Pages\Classes\Menu::listInTheme($theme, 'mainmenu');
$menu_full = json_decode($menus);
return getRecursiveMenu($menus);
function getRecursiveMenu($menus) {
static $level = 0;
static $next_level = 0;
$menuDetails = [];
foreach($menus as $iMenu) {
$detail = [];
if ($level == $next_level) {
$detail['menu_name'] = ['name' => $iMenu->name];
} else
$detail['menu_name'] = ['title' => $iMenu->title, 'url' => $iMenu->reference];
$items = getRecursiveMenu($iMenu->items);
if(count($items) > 0 ) {
$detail['menu_items'] = $items;
$menuDetails[] = $detail;
return $menuDetails;
Thanks for your help !