I have a large amount of bugs from Jira and Github that I want to transfer to Bugzilla. I can easily get the Jira bugs via xml and Github through the Net::Github API. The issue is with creating the bugs on Bugzilla. I have the login information 100% correct, but the bugs won't commit.
I am using the module found at http://search.cpan.org/~bmc/WWW-Bugzilla-1.5/WWW/Bugzilla.pm
I've noticed there are some other Bugzilla modules such as WWW::Bugzilla3 which I assume is version 3.0.0 of Bugzilla. Am I using the wrong one for Bugzilla 4.0.1?
If I simply create a Bugzilla object with just the server, email, and password, the object appears to be logging in correctly, but it can't get any of the products, components, or versions afterwards.
EDIT: I decided to try the Bugzilla3 module and it worked.
Solution was to use the Bugzilla3 module, but not all of its features work 100% with Bugzilla 4.0.1... It also lacks the ability to update submitted bugs, so we just moved all of the bugs to a new component, deleted that component, and ran the script again to compensate.