I'm trying genericly map the properties of my class to the column names of the CSV without the need to write every single line in the ClassMap like
Map(rm => rm.PUsrCrRequestedObject).Name("#P_USR_CR_RequestedObject");
because we have very much columns with mostly the same type of mapping. So i tried the following code:
var classMap = csv.Configuration.AutoMap<RequestMonitoring>();
foreach (var property in typeof(RequestMonitoring).GetProperties())
var columnName = property.Name switch
"PNdsPn" => "$P_NDS_PN",
{ } x when x.StartsWith("PUsrCr") => property.Name.Replace("PUsrCr", "#P_USR_CR_"),
_ => property.Name
classMap.Map(requestMonitoring => property).Name(columnName);
I don't get an error but if i debug the ClassMap the code above hasn't got any effect.
So the question is how can i fix the code snippet or if it's not possible maybe how to apply the same name conversion for every property
Try this.
classMap.Map(typeof(RequestMonitoring), property).Name(columnName);