I need to write the following with JPA Criteria API:
p.id IS NULL AND nv.organizationalstat IN ('EMPLOYEE', 'FELLOW')`
My code is:
List<String> corePredicateInList = Arrays.asList("EMPLOYEE", "FELLOW");
In<String> corePredicateIn = cb.in(nvRoot.get("organizationalstat"));
corePredicateInList.forEach(p -> corePredicateIn.value(p)); // Setting opts into IN
Predicate p1CorePredicate = cb.and(
cb.in(nvRoot.get("organizationalstat"), corePredicateIn)
The runtime error is
antlr.NoViableAltException: unexpected token: in
where ( ( ( ( ( ( generatedAlias0.id is null )
and ( generatedAlias1.organizationalstat in (:param0, :param1) in () ) )
or ( generatedAlias0.id is not null ) )
It looks like there's a double IN somewhere. There are no syntax errors in the code.
I can't do cb.in(List<String>)
directly, that's wrong syntax. I have to go through in.value()
as indicated in this thread.
Using CriteriaBuilder.In
Predicate p1CorePredicate = cb.and(cb.isNull(plans.get("id")),corePredicateIn);
Or using Expression.In
Predicate p1CorePredicate = cb.and(cb.isNull(plans.get("id")),