I am trying to add superscripts to my y axis tick labels in ggplot2. I want the labels to look like this:
ATRS20m,0f (where the 0f and 0m are superscripted). This produces an error that looks like this.
Error in parse(text = levels(diff_30$Station)) :
<text>:1:8: unexpected symbol
1: ATRS2^0m0f ^
I realize that what I am parsing is not an R expression of any sort, which is why it is failing. But how do I get this to work? There must be some way.
My code to create the label looks like this:
My ggplot code to plot and produce the labels looks like this.
plot + scale_y_discrete(labels = parse(text = levels(diff_30$Station)))
I've tried using this, but that fails. I've looked at bquote, which might work, but that syntax is confusing me even more.
plot + scale_y_discrete(labels = expression(parse(text = levels(diff_30$Station))))
Any help would be wonderful. Thank you!
Let's see if the next piece of code does the trick you are looking for:
#vector from factor levels
strtest <- levels(iris$Species)
#We build the "label" and leave the result as a list
labels <- lapply(strtest, function(x) bquote(.(x)^'0m,0f'))
ggplot(iris,aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Species))+
geom_point() +
#we use do.call to "apply" function 'expression' to each element of the list label