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With ADO, using SqlDataAdapter.FillSchema clears @ReturnValues and other stored procedure parameters marked for output

[Edit - an explanation of the answer is at the foot of the question because the subtlety is not totally obvious from the accepted answer.]

Original question:

I am looking for a quick 'yes this approach should be possible' answer before I commit further effort.


  • I have a simple SQL Server stored procedure that runs a query. I also want to (1) return a varchar(100) parameter declared as OUTPUT, and (2) use the @ReturnValue to return a further (integer) value.
  • I call this procedure from C# using the SqlDatAdapter.DataSet.Fill() approach.
  • Back in the C# code, I can access the procedure parameters but I cannot get the values of either @ReturnValue or the other OUTPUT param.

What am I expecting ?

  • The SqlDataAdapter fill process to grab the data from the select. This works and I can access this data in C#.
  • The values of the SQL Server stored procedure params marked as OUTPUT, and the automatic @ReturnValue param, to be available in C#.

What do I see ?

  • Data is returned from the query as expected.
  • The SQL command parameters are present in C#, but their .Value properties are blank.

What research have I done ?

  • A lot of googling for hits containing SqlDataAdapter and @returnvalue. No significant positive results.
  • Perused the old SO questions related to SqlDataAdapter - nothing seems to overlap my question.
  • Posted this question.

I need to ask the SO community if this is even possible. So - is it possible to collect OUTPUT parameter values from a stored procedure that was used with SqlDatAdapter.DataSet.Fill() ?

If the answer is yes and there are no simple examples out there then I'll cut down my code to a representative case and post it here for (hopefully) community debugging.

EDIT Thanks to @NDJ and the sample code supplied I was able to confirm that SqlDatAdapter.DataSet.Fill() DOES NOT interfere with stored procedure return values. I was then able to go on to discover that my issue was caused by an immediate call to SqlDatAdapter.DataSet.FillScheam(). This delivers the metadata for the data table into a handy matrix that we can access from C#, which is part of my use case.

However, FillSchema() clears the stored procedure parameter values. In my code I was trying to gather the stored procedure output parameter values after the call to FillSchema, which was the cause of what I witnessed. I could not find any documentation on this point.

If your code looks like this, it will work.


    var returnVal = returnParam.Value; // value as expected

    da.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source);

If your code looks like this it will not work


    da.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source);

    var returnVal = returnParam.Value; // value reset by prev line !!!!


  • yes you can.

    Create PROCEDURE TestSP
        @test varchar(max) output
        select @test = 'abc'
        select top 10 * from MyTable
        return 4
    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(conString))
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("TestSP", connection);
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@test", SqlDbType.VarChar, -1);
                param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                var returnParam = cmd.Parameters.Add("@Return", SqlDbType.Int);
                returnParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
                SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                var returnVal = returnParam.Value; //4
                var output = param.Value; // abc
                var data = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0];  //data from my table