How do I add material styles to my mvc project? I just need to have material checkboxes, switches, datepickers, and inputs with floating labels. I already tried Material-UI and a few others, but they don't seem to work 100%. I can't get any of the checkboxes and stuff to work.
I "initialized" the matieral-ui in _Layout.cshtml as so:
<link rel="stylesheet"
<link rel="stylesheet"
<script type="text/javascript"
<script src="">
And the styles are applied, but I can't change the default color (Which seems to be green), floating labels are weird, and datepickers still have the native .net appearance.
Labels look like this:
And date pickers look like this:
But they both should look like this:
Can Material-UI not do this? Is so, how do I do it in ASP.NET MVC? I'm super new to .NET, so please forgive my naivety if the answer is obvious.
So the best solution I could find is to add materialize-css via npm and then copy the materialize.min.css and js files into a directory in my wwwroot folder and refrence them both in the _layout.cshtml.