In my render method I have
<span onClick={handleDelete} className="delete-action">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="trash-alt" />
Using react-testing-library how can I access the above span element. This is what I tried so far
getByText(<FontAwesomeIcon icon="trash-alt" />)
but the error says matcher.test is not a function. How should I approach this.
You get this error because getByText
's first argument is a TextMatch, but you passed a component.
Apparently, you can pass a title
prop to FontAwesomeIcon
since this commit :
<span onClick={handleDelete} className="delete-action">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="trash-alt" title="some title"/>
and then you can simply get your component using
getByTitle('some title');
NB : title
prop is not set as an attribute of the i
element generated by font awesome, but rather as a title
tag related to the SVG
element, but react-testing-library
Will also find a title element within an SVG.