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Why laravel auditing not functioning?

I have done my coding but the laravel audit seems not catch the data for update. The data i try to update is on the column of value, but on the database the value are not be catch on audit table for auditing the update changes . below is the coding for update the data.


class AcademicSetting extends Model implements Auditable
    use SoftDeletes, ActiveScope;
    use \OwenIt\Auditing\Auditable;

     * The attributes that are mass assignable.
     * @var array
    protected $dates    = ['deleted_at'];
    protected $fillable = [

    protected $casts = [
        'value' => 'json',

    public function transformAudit(array $data): array
        if ($data['event'] == 'created') {

            $data['new_values']['created_by'] = Staff::where('id', $this->getAttribute('created_by'))->value('name');
            $data['new_values']['updated_by'] = Staff::where('id', $this->getAttribute('updated_by'))->value('name');

        if ($data['event'] == 'deleted') {
            $data['old_values']['deleted_by'] = Staff::where('id', $this->getOriginal('deleted_by'))->value('name');
            $data['new_values']['deleted_by'] = Staff::where('id', $this->getAttribute('deleted_by'))->value('name');
        if ($data['event'] == 'updated') {
            $data['old_values']['updated_by'] = Staff::where('id', $this->getOriginal('updated_by'))->value('name');
            $data['new_values']['updated_by'] = Staff::where('id', $this->getAttribute('updated_by'))->value('name');


        return $data;


 public function update(Request $request, $id)
        /** implode multi dropdown value */
        $request['final_attendance_reset_mark'] = $request->input('final_attendance_reset_mark');
        /** end */
        $this->general->update($request->except('_token', 'academicsetting-table_length', '_method'), $id);
        Session::flash('alert-success', msg('msg_success_update'));
        return redirect()->route('academic_general.index');


class GeneralRepository extends Repository

     * Specify Model class name
     * @return mixed
    public function model()
        return AcademicSetting::class;

    public function update(array $data, $id, $attribute = 'id')
        // dump($data);exit();
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            if ($key == 'final_attendance_reset_mark') {

                $array = [];
                if (!empty($value)) {
                    foreach ($value as $key_value => $value) {
                        $array[(int) $key_value] = (int) $value;

                $json = json_encode($array, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
                // dump($json);
                $update_value = [
                    'value' => $json,
            } else {
                $update_value = ['value' => $value];
            $general = AcademicSetting::where('field', $key)->update($update_value);


  • Not sure if this will help but,

    i see you have the following in the transform method:

     $data['new_values']['created_by'] = Staff::where('id', $this->getAttribute('created_by'))->value('name');

    in the documentation i see the following:

    $data['old_values']['role_name'] = Role::find($this->getOriginal('role_id'))->name;

    the above is to record the audit by transforming the role_id to the role_name, enabling you to capture the role_name as well.