Where am i making a mistake ? The blow code does not work for testing. The user is found. There is not a problem like user null.
The error message is:
The expected [App\Mail\WelcomeEmail] mailable was not sent. Failed asserting that false is true.
at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Testing/Fakes/MailFake.php:64
60| }
62| PHPUnit::assertTrue(
63| $this->sent($mailable, $callback)->count() > 0,
> 64| $message
65| );
66| }
Test class
class MailTest extends TestCase
* A basic feature test example.
* @return void
public function testWelcomeMail()
Mail class
class WelcomeEmail extends Mailable
use Queueable, SerializesModels;
public $data;
public function __construct($data)
$this->data = $data;
public function build()
$user = User::find(3425);
$address = 'myjourney@asdasd.com';
$subject = __('email.welcome_to_journey');
$name = __('email.my_journey');
if ($user != NULL) {
$user->is_welcome_email_sent = 1;
return $this->view('email.user_welcome', ['user' => $user])
->from($address, $name)
// ->cc($address, $name)
// ->bcc($address, $name)
->replyTo($address, $name)
I can work other testing files like login, register etc but mailing didnt.
You are not sending the email along with the other credentials. Your function should look like that
public function testWelcomeMail()
Mail::to('<email_address>')->send(new WelcomeEmail(['user' => <some_number>]));