I have an expansion panel with "Write a response" header. On opening the expansion panel, I'm having a quill editor.
I need to focus the quill editor on expanding the panel.
<mat-expansion-panel #panel1>
<mat-expansion-header> <span>"Write a Response"</span> </mat-expansion-header>
<quill-editor [ngModel]="htmlText" (onContentChanged)="onContentChanged($event)" placeholder="placeholder"></quill-editor>
I tried autofocus, cdkFocusInitial, (focus)="myMethod()", still not working. Can someone help?
To achieve this you will have to use @ViewChild.
First Add an id to the quil-editor - #editor
<mat-expansion-panel #panel1>
<mat-expansion-header> <span>"Write a Response"</span> </mat-expansion-header>
<quill-editor #editor [ngModel]="htmlText" (onContentChanged)="onContentChanged($event)" placeholder="placeholder"></quill-editor>
Then go over to the ts file and import ViewChild and AfterViewInit from angular/core. Then
export class ComponentName implement AfterViewInit{
@ViewChild('editor') editorElementRef : ElementRef;
So the above code, moves the focus to the editor once the view is initialized.