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Azure Cosmos db Gremlin elementMap()

Im trying to create a gremlin query in cosmos db where the properties of all vertices are flattened.

The best i have achieved is using "valueMap"




   "id": "12345",
   "label": "product",
   "name": [
     "product name"
   "description": [

What i am trying to achieve

   "id": "12345",
   "label": "product",
   "name": "product name",
   "description": "productdescription"

It looks like elementMap is the right way to go, but it doesnt seem to be supported in Cosmos Db.

Is there a reason why this is not supported or does a similar solution exist?


  • CosmosDB tends to be a bit behind in supporting all aspects of the Gremlin language. There are workarounds. Prior to elementMap() the typical pattern was to use a by() modulator to valueMap() to unfold() the lists:

    gremlin> g.V().valueMap(true).by(unfold())

    I don't know if CosmosDB supports that particular by() modulator though. If it does not then it gets a bit ugly:

    gremlin> g.V().map(valueMap(true).unfold().group().by(keys).by(select(values).unfold()))

    or perhaps:

    gremlin> g.V().map(valueMap(true).unfold().group().by(keys).by(select(values).limit(local,1)))