I'm doing a sales analysis, to see how many sales occured in different time periods. This is my code:
g = ifelse(Diff_l_b < 720 & Diff_l_b > 360, -1,
ifelse(Diff_l_b < 360 & Diff_f_b > 270, 1,
ifelse(Diff_f_b < 270 & Diff_f_b > 90, 2,
ifelse(Diff_f_b < 90,3, NA_real_))))
ggplot(data = T_AD,
aes(x = `Name Sales Representative`, y = g ))+
geom_bar(stat = "identity", aes(fill = as.factor(g)))
name = "Veterinarians Sold To",
labels = c("2 years ago", "last year", "last 9 month","last 3 month" ))+
ggtitle( "Actica25")+
ylab("Veterinarians Sold To") +
and it shoud look like this:
but the order of stacking should be reversed.
I tried already with fct_rev
, relevel
and order
but every time I define g as factor before plotting it turns out like this.
So the "last year" part should be on the inside and "9 month" on its right an "last 3 month" right of that one. Thanks for the help.
You did not provide an example of your data, however if you just need to reverse stacked bars in your plot, you can use:
position = position_stack(reverse = TRUE)
inside your geom_bar()
or geom_col()
function, so for example:
geom_bar(position = position_stack(reverse = TRUE), aes(fill = g))
See more info in documentation.
If you need to flip your legend, use:
guides(fill = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE))
as a part of your ggplot
, like:
... +
ggtitle( "Actica25") +
ylab("Veterinarians Sold To") +
coord_flip() +
guides(fill = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE))
See more details in documentation.