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Is there a way to mark violations as `False Positive` in bulk?

Is there a way to mark violations as False Positive in bulk in SonarQube? I know the older versions have switch off violations plugin through which it is achieved. Please let me know how it can be achieved.


  • The oldest supported version SonarQube version is 7.9.3. This version provides a feature to do it OOTB. Steps:

    1. open project
    2. click Issues tab
    3. check checkbox next to the Bulk Change button
    4. uncheck issues which you don't want to mark as False Positive
    5. click the Bulk Change button
    6. in popup go to Transition and click Resolve as false positive
    7. click the Apply button

    You can also add comment and/or send email notification for every change.

    steps to mark issues as false positive in bulk