I'm trying to dynamically set tab's title from model class. For this, I have overriden the getPageTitle(int position) method then return the charsequence. However as the titles come from the model field, I'm getting duplicates. How can I only return unique field name as page title? Or what is the best way to achieve this.
For example I want to group all books from an author in one tab.
Well, this is how my adapter looks like, so simple:
public class BooksListsAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
private ArrayList<Books> listOfBooks= new ArrayList<>();
public BooksListsAdapter (FragmentManager fragmentManager, ArrayList<Books> listOfBooks) {
this.listOfBooks= listOfBooks;
public int getCount() {
return listOfBooks.size();
public Fragment getItem(int position) {
return BooksListFragment.newInstance(listOfBooks.get(position).getAuthor(), listOfBooks);
public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position){
return listOfBooks.get(position).getAuthor();// Would like this returns only individual author regardless how many books they have
This works fine except tabs are created with duplicated titles,hence duplicated contents. However I already have contents grouped in corresponding fragments. I would just like to remove the duplicated tab (the one repeating the same author name).
Thanks for your time.
You can make a ViewPager
base on the total number of authors you have. And for each page, you will display all the books of this author.
public class BooksListsAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
private List<String> authors = new ArrayList<>();
private HashMap<String, List<Books>> booksMap = new HashMap<>(); // author is key, list of book of this author is value
public BooksListsAdapter(FragmentManager fragmentManager, ArrayList<Books> listOfBooks) {
// LOGIC to order tab go here. Tab order <=> authors list order
// Example: Order tab by author name: Collections.sort(authors);
private void setBooksWithAuthor(ArrayList<Books> books) {
for (Books book : books) {
if (booksMap.containsKey(book.getAuthor())) {
} else {
booksMap.put(book.getAuthor(), new ArrayList<Books>() {{
public int getCount() {
return authors.size(); // total page = total author
public Fragment getItem(int position) {
String author = authors.get(position);
return BooksListFragment.newInstance(author, booksMap.get(author));
public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {
return authors.get(position);
Hope it help