I have a list of dictionaries that I want to append to a separate disk file. Then, I want to be able to read this list of dictionary items and move them to other lists, in different files.
import os
# List 'x' will auto-populate itself with hundreds of new dictionary items upon run - using x.append({'name': f'{var}', 'job': f'{var2}'}) etc.
x = []
i = input('Request: ')
if i == 'add to list':
with open('example list', 'a') as list:
elif i == 'print list':
with open('example list', 'r') as list:
# in this next block, I would like to be able to move an item from the 'example list' list to a different list that is housed in a separate file
elif i == 'move item':
# 'n' requests an integer value to represent the index in the list
n = input('Which item do you want to move? ')
with open('example list', 'r') as list:
j = list[n]
# I want to delete 'j' from 'example list'
with open('other list', 'a') as other_list:
# I want to append 'j' to 'other list'
print('example list')
I am stuck on reading and moving these list items. I can't even get it to print "example list" in a nice format.
I have heard of pickle
module, but I've never used it. I also understand that it may be necessary to save these lists as json files in order to be able to access the list items and the subsequent dictionary keys within.
I figured it out. Using the json module I was able to dump the list to an external json file with:
x = []
with open('json list.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(x, f)
I could then load the data back in with:
list1 = open('json list', 'r')
listread = list1.read()
data = json.loads(listread)
For moving items between lists I used this:
move_item = data[3]
del move_item
move_to = open('other list'. 'a')
Once loaded, the list and subsequent dictionaries within remain intact as their respective objects, thus allowing for access via index or key. Thank you to everyone, I used a combo of everyone's suggestions.