I want to sort my Schemas
generated for my Entity classes, DTO classes in Springdoc UI
I am able to sort the tags
and operations
using the below configuration in yml
file but my schemas are not in the sorted order.
disable-swagger-default-url: true
tags-sorter: alpha
operations-sorter: alpha
doc-expansion: none
How could I sort my schemas.
You can have full control of the schemas order using OpenApiCustomiser. This is a sample code that you can customize using Comparators, depending on the sorting logic you want:
public OpenApiCustomiser sortSchemasAlphabetically() {
return openApi -> {
Map<String, Schema> schemas = openApi.getComponents().getSchemas();
openApi.getComponents().setSchemas(new TreeMap<>(schemas));
If you are interested on the sorting on the swagger-ui, not on the server side, then you can log a feature request on the swagger-ui project.