I have a column in SQL Server that is stored as XML, here is an example:
The goal is to look through all possible nodes and find the number 4935 but only when it's at the end of its node. If this is located then I want to complete node returned:
The example above should only return the following data:
Here is what I have attempted.
I've taken all the data that contains the number 4935 into a #temp table:
SELECT xml_data, xml_id INTO #t
FROM table
WHERE cast(xml_data as nvarchar(max)) LIKE '%4935%'
I altered XML column to be a string:
ALTER COLUMN xml_data varchar(max);
This allows me to manipulate the data as a string. I have used a combination of SUBSTRING, PATINDEX, and LEN to grab what I want but it's not giving me the desired result:
SELECT xml_id,
Substring (xml_data, PATINDEX( '%4935%',xml_data) - 10, -- Start Position
LEN(xml_data) -- End Position.
) AS stripped
I'm not sure if my attempt in changing the XML to a string is the best approach so I am open to other functions that can accomplish what I am looking to do.
Thank you in advance for taking the time in answering this question.
It is better to stay with the XML data type. XQuery and FLWOR expression make it relatively easy.
It would be even easier if SQL Server would support the fn:ends-with()
function. But MS SQL Server is lagging in its w3c XQuery standards support.
I recently asked Microsoft to beef up NoSQL functionality in SQL Server.
Please check it out, add your comments, and vote for it:
-- DDL and sample data population, start
INSERT INTO @tbl (xml_data) VALUES
-- DDL and sample data population, end
DECLARE @searchFor VARCHAR(20) = '4935';
DECLARE @searchForLength INT = (LEN(@searchFor) - 1);
SELECT ID, xml_data.query('
for $x in /root/data/*
let $len := string-length(string($x/text()[1]))
return $x[substring($x/text()[1], $len - sql:variable("@searchForLength"), $len) eq sql:variable("@searchFor")]
FROM @tbl;
It is also possible to move XPath predicate to the where
SELECT ID, xml_data.query('
for $x in /root/data/*
let $len := string-length(string($x/text()[1]))
where substring($x/text()[1], $len - sql:variable("@searchForLength"), $len) eq sql:variable("@searchFor")
return $x
FROM @tbl;
A dream where MS SQL Server fully supports w3c XQuery standards
SELECT ID, xml_data.query('
for $x in /root/data/*[ends-with(./text()[1], sql:variable("@searchFor"))]
return $x
FROM @tbl;
To search in any position
SELECT ID, xml_data.query('
for $x in /root/data/*[contains(./text()[1], sql:variable("@searchFor"))]
return $x
FROM @tbl;