I have a data frame of following form;
Please note that actual dataset is quite big, above example is for simplicity. Then I performed K-means algorithm in sickit-learn, and took 2 cluster centroids for simplicity.
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
num_clusters = 2
km = KMeans(n_clusters=num_clusters,verbose=1)
Suppose the new cluster centroids are given by
array([[0. , 1.5 , 1.5 ],
[1.33333333, 0.33333333, 1. ]])
The goal is to find two closest words for each cluster centroid, i.e. for each cluster center identify two closest words. I used the distance_matrix
from scipy
package, and got the output as a 2 x 5
matrix, corresponding to 2 centers and 5 words. Please see code below.
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
array([[1.22474487, 0.70710678, 1.87082869, 0.70710678, 2.54950976],
[0.74535599, 1.49071198, 0.47140452, 2.3570226 , 0.74535599]])
But we don't see the word indices here. So I am not being able to identify the two closest words for each centroid. Can I kindly get help on how we can retrieve the indices(which was defined in the original data frame). Help is appreciated.
Given that I understand what you want to do properly, here is a minimal working example on how to find the index of the words.
First, let's generate a similar reproducible environement
# import packages
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
# set up the DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(dict_new,index= ['word1','word2','word3','word4','word5'])
# get the cluster centers
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=0).fit(np.array(df))
centers = kmeans.cluster_centers_
If you only need to know the one closest word
Now, if you wanted to use a distance matrix, you could do (instead):
def closest(df, centers):
# define the distance matrix
mat = distance_matrix(centers, np.asmatrix(df.to_numpy()))
# get an ordered list of the closest word for each cluster centroid
closest_words = [df.index[i] for i in np.argmin(mat, axis=1)]
return closest_words
# example of it working for all centroids
print(closest(df, centers))
# > ['word3', 'word2']
If you need to know the 2 closest words
Now, if we want the two closest words:
def two_closest(df, centers):
# define the distance matrix
mat = distance_matrix(centers, np.asmatrix(df.to_numpy()))
# get an ordered list of lists of the closest two words for each cluster centroid
closest_two_words = [[df.index[i] for i in l] for l in np.argsort(mat, axis=1)[:,0:2]]
return closest_two_words
# example of it working for all centroids
print(two_closest(df, centers))
# > [['word3', 'word5'], ['word2', 'word4']]
Please tell if this is not what you wanted to do or if my answer does not fit your needs! And don't forget to mark the question as answered if I solved your problem.