I know this is basic so any help appreciated.
This is my code - i just cannot get the if statement to avoid the division by zero to work.
Can anyone help?
# problem: calculate what percent of car park spaces are occupied
# input: integers 1 or 0, 1 signals an occupied space and 0 is empty
car_park_spaces = []
# sub problem: number of occupied spaces
occupied = 0
for car_park_space in car_park_spaces:
if car_park_space == 1:
occupied += 1
occupied_spaces = occupied
# sub problem: find the length of the list
percentage = occupied_spaces / len(car_park_spaces) * 100
# output: percent of occupied spaces
if not car_park_spaces:
print('The list is empty')
print ('The percentage of occupied spaces is', percentage, '%')
I moved the code into function so it's more structured. The function looks like this:
def occupied_percent(car_park_spaces):
if not car_park_spaces:
return None
occupied = 0
total_spaces = len(car_park_spaces)
for space in car_park_spaces:
if space:
occupied += 1
return occupied / total_spaces * 100
The output is a float
if the percentage was computed successfully, otherwise the output is None
. When using the function you have to check the return value before printing the result.
Next I created printing function that simplifies usage:
def print_percentage(car_park_spaces):
result = occupied_percent(car_park_spaces)
print('The list is empty.' if result is None else f'The percentage of occupied spaces is {result}%.')
And I run some test cases:
print_percentage([1, 0])
print_percentage([1, 0, 1, 1])
Those produce this output:
The list is empty.
The percentage of occupied spaces is 0.0%.
The percentage of occupied spaces is 100.0%.
The percentage of occupied spaces is 50.0%.
The percentage of occupied spaces is 75.0%.
Note that the code can be probably simplified further because Python tends to use a lot of one-liners.