I have the following scenario - An admin goes to our website form and enters the details like name, email, phone and other information and creates a consent form with above details. But instead of going directly to the powerform in docusign we want to send a link to the employee via email. When the employee clicks on the link, at that time the powerform should open with the details that the admin entered merged. The employee can then sign the document. is there an example of any such implementation? thanks!
What you are asking for could be achieved a lot easier and simpler without using PowerForms.
Let me explain.
Normally in the DocuSign system, in order for someone to sign an envelope, you need to know their name and email address. That enters them as a recipient of the envelope. The recipient can get an email with the link to sign at that time (remote signing).
Now, PowerForms were introduced to solve the following problem: you do not know who may be signing but you still want to give them a link. So using a DocuSign template, you can generate a link that anyone can click and provide their information. Yes, you can add query parameters to the URL with the name and even email of the signers, but the envelope is only generated when the link is clicked.
So, you have two options: the normal/simple way is to use our code example for remote signing and generate regular envelopes. No PowerForms. Seems like it will do everything in your scneario.
Second, you can use PowerForms and have some code to generate a custom link for that recipient that is then sent to them via email. We don't recommend this option as this link is a security risk and cannot be removed or expired if leaked (until you remove the entire PowerForm).
Hope this helps.