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kivy Buildozer Android build cannot find translation files

Post building my kivy app for Android using Buildozer the run step fails as it cannot find the message files for gettext. I have the following line in my .spec file:

source.include_exts = py,png,jpg,kv,atlas,mo,po,ini

The .mo files are in the current app dir under ./locales.

I have also included the following line in .spec:

source.include_patterns = locales/*

Finally, my code in includes:

trans = gettext.translation('base', localedir='locales', languages=[locale.getdefaultlocale()[0][0:2]])

languages is set to en and an en directory is within the locales folder.

Is appears as if Buildozer is picking these up:

Listing '/Users/martinprater/PycharmProjects/kivy/.buildozer/android/app/locale/de'...
Listing '/Users/martinprater/PycharmProjects/kivy/.buildozer/android/app/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES'...
Listing '/Users/martinprater/PycharmProjects/kivy/.buildozer/android/app/locale/en'...
Listing '/Users/martinprater/PycharmProjects/kivy/.buildozer/android/app/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES'...

How can I validate if they are included in the app? Thanks, Martin


  • I am not sure if this is the easiest way, but could solve the issue by switching to p4a native and using

        package_data={'.': ['', '*.kv', '*.png', 'locales/*/LC_MESSAGES/']}

    Then accessing the file using pkg_resources:

    pkg_resources.resource_filename('pkg', 'locales')