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How to output JSON array as a single field in CSV using ChoETL

I'm using ChoETL to convert JSON to CSV. Currently, if a property in the JSON object is an array it is output into separate fields in JSON. Example:

    "id", 1234,
    "states": [
    "id", 1235,
    "states": [

This results in CSV like this (using pipe as a delimeter)


What I would like is for the array to be displayed in a single states field as a comma separated string


Here is the code I have in place to perform the parsing and transformation.

public static class JsonCsvConverter
    public static string ConvertJsonToCsv(string json)
        var csvData = new StringBuilder();
        using (var jsonReader = ChoJSONReader.LoadText(json))
            using (var csvWriter = new ChoCSVWriter(csvData).WithFirstLineHeader())
                csvWriter.Configuration.Delimiter = "|";
                csvWriter.Configuration.QuoteAllFields = true;

        return csvData.ToString();

Edited: Removed test code that wasn't useful


  • This is how you can produce the expected output using the code below

    var csvData = new StringBuilder();
    using (var jsonReader = ChoJSONReader.LoadText(json))
        using (var csvWriter = new ChoCSVWriter(csvData)
            .Configure(c => c.UseNestedKeyFormat = false)
            .WithField("states",  m => m.ValueConverter(o => String.Join(",", ((Array)o).OfType<string>())))



    PS: on the next release, this issue will be handled automatically without using valueconverters