I'm looking to merge two values files in helm.
- module: oracledb
port: http
scheme: http
url: "http://user:password@ip:port/xxx"
I have another values.yaml file which has multiple endpoints. I want to merge both the values files. I'm tried using append function to do that: {{$endpoints := (append .Values.serviceMonitor.endpoints .Values.oracle_db.serviceMonitor.endpoints) }}
When I do a dry-run, I see its picking up both the values but won't merge. Any one come across this?
You can use a python script to merge the values files before passing them. Below is a code snippet of what I am using.
import yaml
from deepmerge import always_merger
fileA = “tmp.yaml"
fileB = “feature.yaml"
with open(fileA,'r+') as f:
fileAdictionary= yaml.load(f)
with open(fileB,'r+') as f:
fileBdictionary = yaml.load(f)
result = always_merger.merge(fileAdictionary, fileBdictionary)
with open(‘newFile.yaml’,'w+') as f: