I'm using Exposed in a new project and I'm noticing that for insert and update statements I have to duplicate all the assignments for record values.
An example:
val orderId = Orders.insert {
it[orderType] = orderDTO.orderType
it[deliveryDateTime] = LocalDateTime.of(
it[customerName] = orderDTO.customerName
it[customerPhone] = orderDTO.customerPhone
it[customerAddress] = orderDTO.customerAddress
// ... other fields
} get Orders.id
Orders.update({ Orders.id eq orderId }) {
it[orderType] = orderDTO.orderType
it[deliveryDateTime] = LocalDateTime.of(
it[customerName] = orderDTO.customerName
it[customerPhone] = orderDTO.customerPhone
it[customerAddress] = orderDTO.customerAddress
// ... other fields
I'm trying to extract the common assignments in a lambda or function but in the first case the body is of type T.(InsertStatement<Number>)->Unit
, while in the update it is a T.(UpdateStatement)->Unit
, so I don't see an easy way to achieve this.
Am I missing something or is this by design?
Maybe you could do something like this: a function that has the common input parameters that you can call from the lambdas:
fun Orders.insertOrUpdate(it: UpdateBuilder<Number>, orderDTO: OrderDTO) {
it[orderType] = orderDTO.orderType
it[deliveryDateTime] = LocalDateTime.of(
it[customerName] = orderDTO.customerName
it[customerPhone] = orderDTO.customerPhone
it[customerAddress] = orderDTO.customerAddress
val orderId = Orders.insert { insertOrUpdate(it, orderDTO) } get Orders.id
Orders.update { insertOrUpdate(it, orderDTO) }