The problem is the following: We are creating an instance of a class testObject and fill a var with a double.
A class TestExcel extends from PhpExcel and when submitting the object testObject into the constructor we get a scientific notation of the var when we do a var_dump.
Can anyone help us out. My colleagues and I don't understand how it is possible that the content of an instance can be changed by extending the phpExcel class.
When we don't do the extension, the var_dump returns the correct notation. -- 200000 When doing the extension we get the scientific notation -- 2.0E+5
// instance of the testObject
$number = new testObject();
// contruct testExcelClass
$excel = new TestExcel($number);
// Class TestObject
class testObject {
private $number;
public function setNumber($number){
$this->number = $number;
public function getNumber(){
return $this->number;
// class test excell extends from phpexcel (
class TestExcel extends PHPExcel {
private $number;
public function __construct($number){
$this->number = $number;
print_r($this->number); exit();
it seemed to be a problem in PHP 5.2.6 that displayed the wrong notation.
php 5.2.8 solved this bug.