I'm new to UML and SysML and I am using Cameo Systems Modeler. My problem is concerning activity diagrams.
My plan is to use the values I specified under "slots" in an instance for a following decision. I specified one property "test" as type Integer. Its value is 7. I dragged the instance on my activity diagram in which it appeares as a value specification with one output pin. I want to use the value 7 in the following decision: e.g. two activity edges: test<4 or test>4?). I tried naming the output pin "test" and connecting it via object flow with the decision node (the value specification node is ofc also connected to that via control flow.). Unfortunately it doesnt work this way.
I hope you can help me. Thanks in advance!
for me the output pin result of the value specification corresponding to your instance must be linked to the input port object of a Read Structural Feature Action whose have test as structuralFeature and its output port result is linked to the decision node.
The output port of the value specification values your instance, not the value of test for it