I have a simple PostgreSQL function which I aspect should return values into separate columns -115
and 101000005458E6258...
but it returns one column where two values are separated by a comma -115,101000005458E6258...
. What is wrong with my function?
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_direction()
RETURNS TABLE(direction integer, geom geometry)
AS $$
heading-lag(heading) over (order by time) AS direction, a.geom AS geom
FROM public.mytable a
WHERE reg='125123'
GROUP BY heading, a.geom , a.time;
END; $$
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
I call the function
SELECT public.get_direction();
Thank you.
If you want the result as a set of columns, then you need:
SELECT * FROM public.get_direction();