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How can we detect & remove variables with inbetween NAs and calculate the ACF on multiple time series?

Here is my toy time series data:

library(tidyverse); library(tsibble); library(feasts)

df <- tibble::tribble(
         ~date,     ~A,     ~B,     ~C,
   "1/31/2010",     NA,  0.017,     NA,
   "2/28/2010",     NA,  0.027,     NA,
   "3/31/2010",     NA,  0.003,  0.003,
   "4/30/2010", -0.022,  0.018,  0.018,
   "5/31/2010", -0.036,   0.02,   0.02,
   "6/30/2010", -0.046,  0.023,  0.023,
   "7/31/2010",     NA,  0.027,  0.027,
   "8/31/2010", -0.022,  0.008,  0.008,
   "9/30/2010",  0.059, -0.003, -0.003,
  "10/31/2010",  0.024,  0.058,  0.058,
  "11/30/2010",     NA,  0.023,     NA,
  "12/31/2010",     NA,  0.014,     NA

I want to calculate autocorrelation (acf) of multiple time series. Ignoring the imputation part, I need to:

  1. Remove the variables with inbetween NAs (not those at the start and end of the time series) like NA on 7/31/2010 for A. So in this case, remove variable A.
  2. Calculate the auto correlations potentially using ACF function from feasts package on B and C.

I started here and got stuck:

df %>%
      mutate(date = mdy(date)) %>% 
      pivot_longer(cols = -date) %>% 
      as_tsibble(key = name, index = date) %>% 

The expected output would have autocorrelations of every possible series by lag. Like B will have 10-11 values for 10 lags and same for series B


  • Regarding part 1

    We can make use of rle. Let's define a concise custom function has_middle_NA

    has_middle_NA <- function(x) {
        rl <- rle($values
        any(rl[-c(1, length(rl))])


    df %>%
        group_by(date) %>%
        select_if(~ !has_middle_NA(.x)) %>%
    ## A tibble: 12 x 3
    #   date            B      C
    #   <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>
    # 1 1/31/2010   0.017 NA
    # 2 2/28/2010   0.027 NA
    # 3 3/31/2010   0.003  0.003
    # 4 4/30/2010   0.018  0.018
    # 5 5/31/2010   0.02   0.02
    # 6 6/30/2010   0.023  0.023
    # 7 7/31/2010   0.027  0.027
    # 8 8/31/2010   0.008  0.008
    # 9 9/30/2010  -0.003 -0.003
    #10 10/31/2010  0.058  0.058
    #11 11/30/2010  0.023 NA
    #12 12/31/2010  0.014 NA

    This removes all columns with NAs that are not leading or trailing.

    Regarding part 2

    It's still not really clear to me what you're trying to do with ACF based on the data you give; but perhaps this helps.

    The key is to treat your data as monthly data, ignoring the day. We can then:

    • Convert your data into monthly data using zoo::yearmon,
    • Select those columns that have no NAs "in the middle",
    • Convert from wide-to-long and create a tsibble from every column,
    • Use feasts::ACF to calculate the ACF for every column and store the result in a list column of tsibbles
    df <- df %>%
        mutate(date = as.yearmon(date, format = "%m/%d/%Y")) %>%
        group_by(date) %>%
        select_if(~ !has_middle_NA(.x)) %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        pivot_longer(-date) %>%
        group_by(name) %>%
        nest() %>%
            data = map(data, as_tsibble),
            ACF = map(data, ACF))
    ## A tibble: 2 x 3
    ## Groups:   name [2]
    #  name  data               ACF
    #  <chr> <list>             <list>
    #1 B     <tsibble [12 × 2]> <tsibble [10 × 2]>
    #2 C     <tsibble [12 × 2]> <tsibble [7 × 2]>