I was gigya service to login to my webpage using social services login.
Everything was working fine in my flex 3, but when since I have changed my code to flex 4, I am unable to see any gigya services being loaded.
My code is below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:flexlib_controls="flexlib.controls.*"
xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="center" width="400" height="150" layout="absolute"
backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" borderStyle="none" color="#FFFFFF" backgroundGradientAlphas="[0,0]"
backgroundAlpha="0" applicationComplete="init()"
verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12">
import c7.config.ServerConfig;
import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON;
import com.hurlant.crypto.*;
import com.hurlant.crypto.hash.HMAC;
import com.hurlant.crypto.symmetric.ICipher;
import com.hurlant.util.Base64;
import com.hurlant.util.Hex;
import flash.net.navigateToURL;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.core.Application;
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
import spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase;
private var loginEventObj:Object = new Object();
private var currentUID:String = new String();
private var userInfo:UserInfo = new UserInfo();
public var currentResult:ByteArray;
public var secretKey:String = ServerConfig.get_gigya_key().secret_key;
// Define a configuration object. Insert your APIKey below:
private var conf:Object = {
APIKey: ServerConfig.get_gigya_key().api_key
private static var RPC_URL:String = ServerConfig.get_rpc_base_url();
private var system_message:String = null;
private var newUserFlag:Boolean = true; // lets assume the user is new first.
private function init():void
private function initSocialService():void
// Initialize the "mcRoot" attribute of the conf object - should refer to the root of the flash container.
// Load Social service
// Create the load-parameters object
var loadParams:Object = {
// Load the service
// Wait for the load to complete and handle failures/success
private function onServiceInit(response:*):void
if (response.hadError)
throw new Error('Failed to init gigya service');
gigya.services.socialize.addEventHandlers(conf, {onLogin:onLoginHandler});
private function showLoginUI():void
// Define parameters object:
var params:Object = {width: 350,
enabledProviders: "facebook, twitter, yahoo, messenger, google, linkedin, myspace, aol, openid",
height: 80,
lastLoginIndication: "welcome",
showTermsLink: false,
showWhatsThis: true,
hideGigyaLink: true,
container: loginCanvas, // embed component inside loginCanvas container
UIConfig: '<config><body><background frame-color="#BFBFBF" background-color="#FFFFFF" corner-roundness="5;5;5;5"></background></body></config>',
cid: 'login page'};
gigya.services.socialize.showLoginUI(conf, params);
// Note: the actual signature calculation implementation should be on server side
private function verifyTheSignature(UID:String, timestamp:String, signature:String): void
//trace('Your user ID: ' + UID + '\n timestamp: ' + timestamp + '\n signature: ' + signature);
fontFamily: Arial;
color: #333333;
fontSize: 14;
paddingTop: 2;
paddingBottom: 2;
paddingRight: 2;
paddingLeft: 2;
cornerRadius: 5;
borderStyle: solid;
fontSize: 10;
fontFamily: Arial;
color: #4483af;
<mx:ViewStack id="vs_main" width="100%" height="100%" top="0" left="0" borderStyle="none" paddingLeft="0" paddingTop="0" paddingRight="0"
paddingBottom="0" backgroundAlpha="0" creationPolicy="all" verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="off">
<s:NavigatorContent id="bx_login" width="100%" height="100%">
<s:Group id="bx_login1" width="100%" height="100%">
<s:Label id="both_required_error_lbl" text="Both username and password are required" top="2" left="2" color="#ff0000" visible="false"/>
<s:Label id="invalid_error_lbl" text="{this.system_message}" top="2" left="2" color="#ff0000" visible="false"/>
<flexlib_controls:PromptingTextInput prompt="username" width="150" maxChars="100" id="txt_username" top="22" left="2"
color="#000000" enter="authenticate(txt_username.text, txt_password.text)" styleName="textInput"/>
<s:Label text="forgot username" styleName="smallText" useHandCursor="true" mouseChildren="false" buttonMode="true"
click="{vs_main.selectedChild= bx_forgot_username;}" top="49" left="2"/>
<flexlib_controls:PromptingTextInput prompt="password" width="150" maxChars="100" id="txt_password" styleName="textInput" top="22" left="160"
color="#000000" displayAsPassword="true" enter="authenticate(txt_username.text, txt_password.text)"/>
<s:Label text="forgot password" styleName="smallText" useHandCursor="true" mouseChildren="false" buttonMode="true" left="160" top="49"
<s:Button id="btn_login" label="Submit" click="authenticate(txt_username.text, txt_password.text)" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12"
toolTip="Login using your existing account" color="#000000" top="22" right="2"/>
<s:Group id="loginCanvas" height="80" width="100%" left="2" bottom="2"/>
Can someone plz help me with this issue.
Regards Zeeshan
The Gigaya Service was not working because of the Spark component. I dont have the reason why spark s:Group is not supporting gigya, but if I keep the flex3 mx:Canvas component to do the job, it works perfectly.