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Convert DWG to DXF using API v3 and .Net

My requirement is to convert DWG to DXF , need quick help to understand the process using Design API v3 and .net c# , and I want to use all DWG files from local computer and output also should happen locally. There is no reference for this anywhere , I am totally new to Design Automation API.


 var workItemStatus = await api.CreateWorkItemAsync(new WorkItem()
                ActivityId = myActivity,
                Arguments = new Dictionary<string, IArgument>()
                    { "input", new XrefTreeArgument() { Url = UploadUrl } },
                    { "params", new XrefTreeArgument() { Url = $"data:application/json, {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new CrxApp.Parameters { ExtractBlockNames = true, ExtractLayerNames = true })}" } },
                    { "result", new XrefTreeArgument() { Verb=Verb.Put, Url = DownloadUrl } }



  • Also want to understand the params to convert from DWG to DXF, I have no AutoCad installed. Ex. "params", new XrefTreeArgument()

    1. Send drawing input url
    2. DXFOUT
    3. Send dxf output url.

    Sample Activity Spec in .NET core

    private async Task<string> SetupActivityAsync(string myApp = null)
            Console.WriteLine("Setting up activity...");
            var myActivity = $"{Owner}.{ActivityName}+{Label}";
            var actResponse = await this.api.ActivitiesApi.GetActivityAsync(myActivity, throwOnError: false);
             * The default or basic CommandLine syntax, for this application we don't need bundle.
             *     CommandLine = new List<string>()
                        $"$(engine.path)\\accoreconsole.exe /i $(args[inputFile].path) /al $(appbundles[{PackageName}].path) /s $(settings[script].path)"
            var activity = new Activity()
                CommandLine = new List<string>()
                        $"$(engine.path)\\accoreconsole.exe /i $(args[inputFile].path) /s $(settings[script].path)"
                Engine = TargetEngine,
                Settings = new Dictionary<string, ISetting>()
                        { "script", new StringSetting() { Value = "DXFOUT\nresult.dxf\n\n" } }
                Parameters = new Dictionary<string, Parameter>()
                        { "inputFile", new Parameter() { Verb= Verb.Get, LocalName = "$(HostDwg)",  Required = true } },                       
                        { "outputFile", new Parameter() { Verb= Verb.Put,  LocalName = "result.dxf", Required= true} }
                Id = ActivityName
            if(myApp != null)
                activity.Appbundles = new List<string>()
            if (actResponse.HttpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                Console.WriteLine($"Creating activity {myActivity}...");
                await api.CreateActivityAsync(activity, Label);
                return myActivity;
            await actResponse.HttpResponse.EnsureSuccessStatusCodeAsync();
            Console.WriteLine("\tFound existing activity...");
            if (!Equals(activity, actResponse.Content))
                Console.WriteLine($"\tUpdating activity {myActivity}...");
                await api.UpdateActivityAsync(activity, Label);
            return myActivity;