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How to group concat from MySQL and not repeat the same value if next value is same as current value

I have a table (location) like this

id | loc id
1  | Location A
2  | Location B
3  | Location B
4  | Location C
5  | Location A
6  | Location B
7  | Location B

i want my result from MySQL to be like this

Location A, Location B, Location C, Location A, Location B

but this is what i get instead

Location A, Location B, Location B, Location C, Location A, Location B, Location

how to achieve this?


  • For MySql 8.0+ you can use window function LAG() to filter out rows that have the same locid as the previous row:

    select group_concat(t.locid order by locations 
    from (
      select *, lag(locid) over (order by id) prev
      from location
    ) t  
    where t.locid <> t.prev or t.prev is null

    For previous versions and if there are not gaps between the ids you can use NOT EXISTS:

    select group_concat(locid order by id) locations 
    from location l
    where not exists (select 1 from location where locid = l.locid and id = - 1)

    If there are gaps between the ids then use a correlated subquery in the WHERE clause to get the value of locid of the previous id:

    select group_concat(locid order by id) locations 
    from location l
    where l.locid <> coalesce(
      (select locid from location where id < order by id desc limit 1), 

    See the demo.

    > | locations                                              |
    > | :----------------------------------------------------- |
    > | Location A,Location B,Location C,Location A,Location B |