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v-on:click never firing on button in Nuxt component, because of middleware

I've seen this elsewhere in other questions, but haven't seen a solution. I'm trying to make a simple GDPR cookie notification that closes on click, using a button. I'm in Universal mode, meaning mounted() isn't available, so I'm trying to set cookies through Vuex. However, the click event I have bound to the button in my component isn't firing.

Edit: After building a codesandbox version of my app, which worked as it should, I went through and hacked up my Nuxt app until I found what was causing the problem. As it turns out, it was my middleware, and more specifically, the fact that I was using the fs-extra library to read JSON files. Still not clear on why this is happening, so any suggestions are welcome. The code below includes my middleware.


    <div v-if="cookie != true" class="cookie_notice_wrap">
        <div class="cookie_notice">
            <p class="notice_message">This site uses cookies for analytics purposes.</p>
            <button @click.prevent="dismissNotification" class="notice_dismiss">Close</button>

import { mapGetters } from "vuex";

export default {
    name: "CookieNotice",
    methods: {
        dismissNotification: function(e) {
            console.log("we clicked?");
  "cookieStateChange", true);
    computed: {


Actions from store/index.js

export const actions = {
    async getPosts({ state, commit, dispatch }) {
        if (state.posts.length) {

        try {
            await axios.get("/api/json-access");
        catch (err) {
    nuxtServerInit({ state, commit, dispatch }, { req }) {

        const seen = this.$cookies.get("cookie_notice_seen");
        if (!seen) {
            dispatch("cookieStateChange", false);
    cookieStateChange({state, commit, dispatch}, bool) {
        // this does set the cookie correctly, unsure if it will work the same when bound to the button click
        commit("updateCookie", bool);
        this.$cookies.set("cookie_notice_seen", bool, {
            path: "/",
            maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7


const fse = require('fs-extra');
import axios from 'axios';

const storeLocation = "middleware/full_site.json";

export default async function({ store, route, redirect }) {
    const exists = await fse.pathExists(storeLocation);
    let posts;

    if (!exists) {
        await fse.ensureFile(storeLocation);
        posts = await postsFromWP();
        fse.writeJSON(storeLocation, posts);
    else {
        try {
            posts = await fse.readJSON(storeLocation);
        catch (err) {

    store.commit("updatePosts", posts);

async function postsFromWP() {
    const url = ".../example/json/file.json";
    const config = { headers: { "Accept": "application/json" }};
    let posts = await axios.get(url, config);

    posts =
        .filter(el => el.status === "publish")
        .map(({ id, slug, title, excerpt, date, tags, content }) => ({
            id, slug, title, excerpt, date, tags, content

    return posts;

I had the middleware configured in nuxt.config.js via routes -> middleware before, but currently have it set to go through serverMiddleware instead, for testing. I also added the action that triggers getting the posts, in case that's also part of it. This has definitely hit on a limit of my Nuxt/Vue understanding - I have no idea why this could be happening, so any wisdom is much appreciated.


  • If you wind up dealing with something similar, fs or fs-extra are your culprits. You can't use file operations on the client side, which is when these middleware actions are happening (I think). The cookie notice only fully worked when I removed the fs-extra import at the very top of the middleware file.