I am now learning zig
language. I have seen definitions of structs with const
keyword like
const X = struct {
n: i32,
My understanding is that const
is a kind of complementary to var
, the latter allows change, the former does not. But what would mean defining struct with var
var Y = struct {
n: i32,
Is this legal? I compiles, so yes, it is. But what is the meaning and use of this?
That compiles because zig is lazy evaluated. Because Y
is not used, the compiler
doesn't check it.
When you reference it, the compiler throw an error:
var Y = struct {
n: i32,
comptime {
error: variable of type 'type' must be constant
var Y = struct {
is to declare variables. When you use var
in a global scope, that creates a global variable.
In your case,
var Y = struct {
n: i32,
Declares Y
as a variable of infered type. In this case, Y
is a variable of type type
In zig, there is comptime-only types, that is the case of type
. A value where the type is comptime-only type only can live inside the compiler, you can't create the value in runtime1. So, the compiler needs always to comptime-known the value.
So, because Y
is a global variable. You can modify it in runtime. That is the reason for the error. The value of Y
cannot be generated/stored by the binary.
If only lives in the compiler, works
comptime {
var Y = struct {
n: i32,
Y = struct {
count: u32,
const concrete = Y { .count = 10 };
| 10
1 For example, consider
const std = @import("std");
fn compilerKnown(arg: []const u8) type {
return u64;
pub fn main() !void {
var runtimeValue = "hello world";
std.debug.print("{}\n", .{ compilerKnown(runtimeValue) });
error: unable to evaluate constant expression
std.debug.print("{}\n", .{ compilerKnown(runtimeValue) });
This is an error because zig try to compile the function compilerKnown
into the binary, but the type type
is comptime-only, so is unable to generate the binary. In particular, cannot generate the machine code for return u64