If we open google console we see how many requests per every service has been done. Is there any way to export these counters? I was not able to find any API which is responsible for these counters.
Get google maps api usage info Detect Google Maps Javascript API limit for map loads
Many years passed, still no way to setup alerting for API usage? If there is no programmatic access may be there is some way to setup alerts when API usage is above threshold?
As mentioned by the first answer, there's no such API to monitor these usages but there are couple of ways to monitor your usage which are:
Setup Budget Alerts, this will trigger notification if you've reached a certain amount of your specified budget for a month, but please note that this will only notify you and will not actually stop the usage after the specified amount.
If you would like to monitor or get an overview of your daily usage, you may implement what we call channels
with the help of BigQuery Export. This will give you a breakdown report of daily usage. The standard SQL code you can use to retrieve such report using the BigQuery export is:
SELECT Date(usage_start_time, "America/Los_Angeles") AS billing_day, invoice.month AS invoice_month, service.description AS service, sku.description AS sku, ( SELECT l.value FROM Unnest(labels) AS l WHERE l.KEY = 'goog-maps-channel' ) AS goog_maps_channel, Round(Sum(usage.amount), 2) AS usage_amount, usage.unit AS usage_unit, Round(Sum(cost), 2) AS cost, cost_type, currency FROM `PROJECT_ID.DATASET_NAME.gcp_billing_export_v1_BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID` WHERE invoice.month = '201906' -- Change the invoice month with the same format as the example. GROUP BY billing_day, invoice_month, service, sku, goog_maps_channel, usage_unit, cost_type, currency ORDER BY billing_day, service, sku
You may learn more on how to setup the BigQuery export here.
If you would ever need help in the correct calculation of requests per day for each API to be on a certain budget, you may reach to the support team of the Google Maps Platform APIs here.