I need to pull data from a 3rd-party REST API into a WordPress page. It's a search app so I would like to avoid page refresh and load results via AJAX if possible.
The API setup is as follows:
What are best practices for securing login credentials and token in a front-end application?
Even if authentication is handled on the server using wp_remote_post, how do I pass the token value to JavaScript without exposing it in the browser?
It would be best to build a wrapper server-side, for the exact reason you mention in your Q. You don't want to expose your bearer token on the front end!
add_action('rest_api_init', function () {
register_rest_route('user5050800/v1', '/search', [
'methods' => 'GET',
'callback' => 'search_wrapper',
function search_wrapper(WP_REST_Request $request) {
try {
// make the req
wp_remote_post($request->get_query_params()); // or something
} catch (\WP_Error $e) {
// figure out if it's a 403, or if you might need to make an additional req to get a new token and try again