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Using Stuff to roll up data from multiple rows AND concatenate columns

I've found similar questions on the site, but I'm still struggling with this. I have a table with information like the below:

AcctNo   ChargeOrder    ChargeCode
 ABC         1           Charge1
 ABC         2           Charge2
 ABC         3           Charge3

I'm trying to use the XML Path/STUFF functions to return the data like so:

AcctNo  Order/Code
ABC     1:Charge1 - 2:Charge2 - 3:Charge3

But I can't seem to figure out how to concatenate my chargeorder and chargecode AND STUFF them into a single field.


  • In SQL Server, you can use string_agg() -- in the more recent versions:

    select acctno,
           string_agg(concat(ChargeOrder, ':', ChargeCode), ' - ')
    from t
    group by acctno;

    In older versions, this would be phrased as:

    select a.acctno,
           stuff( (select concat(' - ', ChargeOrder, ':', ChargeCode)
                   from t t2
                   where t2.acctno = a.acctno
                   for xml path ('')
                  ), 1, 3, ''
    from (select distinct acctno from t) a