for(i in 2:38){
This is my code, but what is happening is that when I compile my PDF I only get the first two plots that fit on the first page and I do not get the rest of the plots. I would like to have all of the plots on separate pages.
And how would I go about adding captions to each individual plot in the for loop.
<<echo = FALSE, fig.cap = c("First, Second, Third"), results = "asis">>=
for (i in 1:3) {
print(qplot(x = 1, y = i))
cat("Arbitrary \\LaTeX code! \\clearpage")
You can use the chunk option fig.cap
to add captions to your plots. Note that this will wrap your figure in a figure
environment, turning it into a float.
Use the chunk option results="asis"
to be able to print arbitrary text (including LaTeX markup) into your document using cat()