This question is a follow up to my previous question (Inconsistency in scraping through <div>'s in Selenium). I'm working on scraping all of the Air Jordan Data off of ( I am storing the size, model, url, and image url in an object. I currently have a program that scrolls through the entire feed and fetches all of this. Everything works except finding the image url. The image URL seems to require inducing an explicit wait, which @KunduK suggested. I'm trying to implement his solution so that I can pull each image in my for loop:
while True and len(sneakers) < sneaker_count:
driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")
# Get sneakers currently on page and add to sneakers list
feed = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('feed-item')
images = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
EC.visibility_of_all_elements_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".feed-item .listing-cover-photo>img")))
for item in feed:
Currently the code fetches the image in a group at once. I am trying to fetch the image during the "for item in feed" block. I want something like images = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.visibility_of_elements_located((By.SOME SELECTOR", ???)))
but I really don't know how to find these using the 'item' element. Can anyone help?
To scrape the image url from each image using Selenium and python you have to induce WebDriverWait for visibility_of_all_elements_located()
and you can use either of the following Locator Strategies:
print([my_elem.get_attribute("href") for my_elem in WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.visibility_of_all_elements_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a.product-card-container")))])
print([my_elem.get_attribute("href") for my_elem in WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.visibility_of_all_elements_located((By.XPATH, "//a[@class='product-card-container']")))])
Console Output:
['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
Note : You have to add the following imports :
from import WebDriverWait
from import By
from import expected_conditions as EC