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How do I get Srcsrv with SVNindex.cmd to index extern files?

I have recently made use of the SrcSrv feature in the Debugging Tools For Windows, but have noticed that when I index the pdb with SVNIndex.cmd it does not pick up any of the files that are from an external link.

Any suggestions ?


  • Finally i got some time again to figure everything out:

    To also get the files included with svn:externals property indexed, you just have to add the directories of them to /source= switch! easier than i thought! so if you have an external in "Ext1" dir under your Projectdir, just call ssindex.cmd with /source=Projectdir;Ext1 and you get all files in Ext1 also indexed.

    I wrote a simple perl script, that handles the creation of the commandline for me, so you dont have to add any new external entry.

    HTH, Stefan!