I have found lots of similar issues on stackoverflow but none really replicating what I have to deal with. I am hosting a website on Azure and I found this strange thing. When I display it on Safari (either on iPhone or Mac) it scales improperly. If I do it on Chrome, it is all good. What is the possible mistake?
Here is the code for the image itself (it is image separator between blocks which contai text:
<div className="row bg-img-1-top">
<img className="bg-img-limit" src={Img1top}></img>
max-width: 100% !important;
max-width: 100%;
Img1top is a normal png image, looking like the one on Chrome.
What could be the reason?
Thank you in advance!
The problem lies in how safari processes the images. The issue has been solved after wrapping the tag in
<div className="row bg-img-1-top">
<img className="bg-img-limit" src={Img1top}></img>
This solved the issue of scaling.