Search code examples

fuse.js return specific item from nested json object

I am using fuse.js to fuzzy search a json dataset that looks something like this:

const dataSet = [
      title: "a list",
      cards: [
          title: "a card",
          title: "another card",
          title: "a third card",

When I perform a search for a card title:

const fuse = new Fuse(dataSet, { keys: ['cards.title']})
console.log("a third card"))

the list that contains the card is returned

   title: "a list",
   cards: [
      {id: 1, title: "a card"},

I want the data to return the specific card that has the title "a third card". Is there any way I can do this?

I looked into the docs, and found a getFn option that might do the job, but I couldn't get it to work. I also know that I can achieve this by flattening my object, but I don't want to do that as it adds complexity for my use case.


  • Sounds like what you could do is set the option includeMatches to true. This would also give you the exact item that was matched in the nested sub-array.