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Add Tensorboard server to Flask endpoint

I have a Flask App and a Tensorboad server. Is there a way by which I can map the Tensorboard server to one of the endpoints of Flask so that as soon as I hit that endpoint it triggers the Tensorboard server?

Flask application

from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/hello-world', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def say_hello():
    return jsonify({'result': 'Hello world'})

if __name__ == "__main__":, port=5000)

Tensorboard server code:

from tensorboard.program import TensorBoard, setup_environment
def tensorboard_main(host, port, logdir):
    configuration = list([""])
    configuration.extend(["--host", host])
    configuration.extend(["--port", port])
    configuration.extend(["--logdir", logdir])

    tensorboard = TensorBoard()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    host = ""
    port = "7070"
    logdir = '/tmp/logdir'
    tensorboard_main(host, port, logdir)

I tried creating an endpoint in Flask app and then added tensorboard_main(host, port, logdir) in the hope that if I hit the endpoint then the server will start but I got no luck.


  • I found out that to integrate a TensorBoard server into a larger Flask app, the best way would be to compose the applications at the WSGI level.

    The tensorboard.program API allows us to pass a custom server class. The signature here is that server_class should be a callable which takes the TensorBoard WSGI app and returns a server that satisfies the TensorBoardServer interface.

    Hence the code is:

    import os
    import flask
    import tensorboard as tb
    from werkzeug import serving
    from werkzeug.middleware import dispatcher
    HOST = ""
    PORT = 7070
    flask_app = flask.Flask(__name__)
    @flask_app.route("/hello-world", methods=["GET", "POST"])
    def say_hello():
        return flask.jsonify({"result": "Hello world"})
    class CustomServer(tb.program.TensorBoardServer):
        def __init__(self, tensorboard_app, flags):
            del flags  # unused
            self._app = dispatcher.DispatcherMiddleware(
                flask_app, {"/tensorboard": tensorboard_app}
        def serve_forever(self):
            serving.run_simple(HOST, PORT, self._app)
        def get_url(self):
            return "http://%s:%s" % (HOST, PORT)
        def print_serving_message(self):
            pass  # Werkzeug's `serving.run_simple` handles this
    def main():
        program = tb.program.TensorBoard(server_class=CustomServer)
    if __name__ == "__main__":