I have to parse through a file that has data I need to put/sort in a pandas dataframe. Below is an example of part of file I parse through:
------ -------------- -------- -------------- -------------- ----- ----------
1.0 1234 TESTNAME1
1.1 H647333 TESTNAME2
1.3 1 cnt CEREAL
1.4 364003 cnt POINTNUM
1.5 20200505 cnt Date
1.6 174143 cnt Time
1.7 2.020051e+007 cnt DateTime
1.8 123 cnt SMT
1.9 23.16 C TEMP1
1.10 23.55 C 123 TEMP2
1.11 22.88 C -23 TEMP3
1.12 22.86 C TEMP4
1.13 1.406 Meter -1.450 1.500 DIST1
1.14 0.718 Meter -0.800 0.350 FAIL DIST2
My issue is: How do I account for having a low limit but no upper limit OR having a upper limit but no low limit?
NOTE: My actual text file does not have this case but my application\project calls to account for the instance where it could happen.
How I check each line is below:
line = file_object.readline()
while line.strip():
# extract data from line and format all info in one list
xline = line.strip().split()
# the length of the info list of the line read
# is correlated to the data
if len(xline) == 3:
number = xline[0]
results = xline[1]
testname = xline[2]
units = None
lower = None
upper = None
# alarm = None
elif len(xline) == 4:
number = xline[0]
results = xline[1]
units = xline[2]
testname = xline[3]
lower = None
upper = None
# alarm = None
elif len(xline) == 6:
number = xline[0]
results = xline[1]
units = xline[2]
lower = xline[3]
upper = xline[4]
testname = xline[5]
# alarm = None
elif len(xline) == 7:
number = xline[0]
results = xline[1]
units = xline[2]
lower = xline[3]
upper = xline[4]
# alarm = xline[5]
testname = xline[6]
# create a dictionary containing this row of data
row = {
'Test #': number,
'Result': results,
'Units': units,
'Lower Limit': lower,
'Upper Limit': upper,
# 'Alarm': alarm,
'Test Name': testname,
line = file_object.readline()
My idea is that I compare each line read of data to the "TEST# RESULT UNITS LOWER UPPER ALARM TEST NAME" line header positions, but I have no idea on how to do that. If anyone could point me in a direction that could work that would be great!
EDIT: The file is not solely in the table format shown above. My file has a whole bunch of staggered block text at the start of the file. As well as multiple "tables" with staggered block text between them.
A non-pandas solution that infers field widths from the header, but use pandas 🙂:
import re
with open('table.txt') as fin:
next(fin) # skip headers
# capture start/end of each set of dashed lines to get field widths
spans = [m.span() for m in re.finditer(r'-+',next(fin))]
for line in fin:
# break lines on the field widths and strip leading/trailing white sapce
column = [line[start:end].strip() for start,end in spans]
['1.0', '1234', '', '', '', '', 'TESTNAME1']
['1.1', 'H647333', '', '', '', '', 'TESTNAME2']
['1.2', '30', 'C', '', '', '', 'TEMPTOTAL']
['1.3', '1', 'cnt', '', '', '', 'CEREAL']
['1.4', '364003', 'cnt', '', '', '', 'POINTNUM']
['1.5', '20200505', 'cnt', '', '', '', 'Date']
['1.6', '174143', 'cnt', '', '', '', 'Time']
['1.7', '2.020051e+007', 'cnt', '', '', '', 'DateTime']
['1.8', '123', 'cnt', '', '', '', 'SMT']
['1.9', '23.16', 'C', '', '', '', 'TEMP1']
['1.10', '23.55', 'C', '', '123', '', 'TEMP2']
['1.11', '22.88', 'C', '-23', '', '', 'TEMP3']
['1.12', '22.86', 'C', '', '', '', 'TEMP4']
['1.13', '1.406', 'Meter', '-1.450', '1.500', '', 'DIST1']
['1.14', '0.718', 'Meter', '-0.800', '0.350', 'FAIL', 'DIST2']